Cash Confident with Brie Sodano

Selling Premium Priced Offers in Business

March 21, 2024 Brie Episode 44

Ever wondered how transforming your pricing strategy can lead to a revolution in your business model and personal wealth? Tighten your seatbelts, because I, once a financial advisor offering freebies, now a champion of premium pricing, will guide you through the exhilarating journey of financial empowerment. I'll share tales and strategies, revealing how stepping up your game to command top dollar for your services not only skyrockets your business but also aligns you with clients who value and invest in their success.

This episode is a goldmine for business owners ready to soar past the competition. You'll absorb wisdom on tailoring services that speak directly to the hearts and wallets of premium buyers, and why selling speed and saving time is a game changer for those at the top. We’ll also tackle the psychological makeover necessary for standing by your prices with unshakable confidence. So, join me for an episode brimming with actionable insights that promise to shift your business gears from cruise control to full throttle as you navigate the premium pricing highway!



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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cash Confident podcast. I'm Brie Sedano, your fearless host, personal finance expert and the visionary behind the revolutionary Cash Confident community. Get ready to embark on an electrifying journey where we redefine the rules of money and empower women to harness the immense power to craft a life they truly, truly desire. This podcast is the ultimate resource, meticulously crafted, for women who are ready to unleash their financial prowess and embrace a life of abundant success. We leave no stone unturned as we delve into the depths of money management, mindset mastery and the undeniable influence of emotions on your financial decisions. Prepare to rise above the societal limitations and break free from the chains that have held you back, as we equip you with the tools and knowledge to make bold, confident choices with your cash. We believe that true financial power begins with knowledge, and that is exactly what we deliver. So buckle up, my fierce and ambitious friends, as we embark on this transformative journey to becoming Cash Confident together. Oh, hello, hello, everybody. Today on the Cash Confident podcast, we are working on premium pricing, so this episode is going to be specifically for our business owners, although even if you don't have a business, I think you might still get something out of it. So listen away. Listen to what you choose to, all right, so let's go ahead and get into premium priced offers.

Speaker 1:

So when I hired my first business coach, I worked with a wonderful lady named Robin Crane, who works specifically with women who are in finance, and so at the time, I was a financial advisor and I was doing a ton of work that was really high-end planning work that I was not charging for at all actually, most of the time I wasn't charging for at all, but if I was charging for it, I was offering the planning as a bonus for investing your money with me, where I would get paid a commission on selling the investments and then I would do all this planning work. So essentially, I wasn't really getting paid for the planning work and she was absolutely not brave to stop it right now. Stop this madness, like OK. And she was the first person that I really worked with on starting to really have a more premium business model, and I want to share this. I'm going to share my story with you and I want you to understand that it is something that is available, but it's not the only way to do it. So the way that I did it isn't the right way to do it. It's just the way that I did it.

Speaker 1:

But I started with all premium priced offers. I sold one-on-one services at higher ticket and, listen, my price has gone up. I don't know. At least I would say 50, 100 times in the last five years. Maybe I would say a minimum of 50 times. My price has gone up.

Speaker 1:

But these premium offers is basically how I got started and what it allowed for me to do was it allowed for me to build my business from a place of relative stability. I did my marketing, I sold enough, I was able to pay my mortgage and feed my babies and eventually I was able to hire people and then build out courses in workbooks and offer group programs. And even now, today, I'm able to sell a book. And I will tell you, a book is a very big project and you have to wait a very long time to make any money on it. You need resources to be able to do this. This podcast that you get to listen to for free costs me quite a bit of money. I have to put my time into it. I pay people to do it. We market it on social media. All of that time and effort is paid for by me, and so to be able to have that big impact, it does take resources, and so, anyways, for me, what I did was I started my business selling premium price to offers until I could afford the help to be able to offer more leveraged programs, more group programs, online courses, because I needed help for those things. I don't have a very vast technical skill set and it wasn't just truly not anything I really wanted to learn, like how to build beautiful graphics or workbook pages. I really wanted to hire that out. That's not a skill set that I personally wanted, so that was how I got started. Now I'll also tell you that before I started offering premium prices, I was already good at what I'm doing. I was already good at it. I'd already been doing it for a while. I was already trained.

Speaker 1:

So I do want to start by having this discussion. If you're brand new to business doing something, you're brand new at premium pricing, it may be the fit for you. If you feel really, really confident and you have delivered these results to clients before. But premium pricing generally, you want to feel 1,000% that you know that you could help your clients do whatever it is that they're doing, even if you're selling a product, they're not necessarily a service. You want to make sure that the entire experience, start to finish, is worthy of premium pricing. So I just want to put that out there. What we're not doing is we're not overcharging for OK, ok, you know like mediocre services or mediocre products. That's basically what I'm trying to say in a nice way. So we want to make sure that we're good at this, that we can really deliver, that we can really ensure a certain level of result. So this is going to be the starting place that you start to get into that premium pricing model.

Speaker 1:

And so I wanted to say another thing is that when we are charging at our premium prices for us, what that does for our business model is like in my story. It means that you can start to direct your time to other things because you're making enough money. Two, it really lets you hone your craft. Three, it allows you to work with clients that are very vested in their results, very vested in their success, which also really helps to boost your confidence as a service provider or in your products. So, all right, so let's just talk about what does it take to do some premium pricing. What does it really take to get there, because this is the thing that sometimes I've talked to clients about and they're like you charge how much money and how do you do it? Like, literally, how do you get the clients, how do you even say that amount of money? How do you have the confidence to do this? Basically, what are you doing? How are you doing it?

Speaker 1:

And I will also tell you that, coming up soon, I'm offering a four hour workshop just on this topic that we can do a deep dive. It's called the top dollar method. So if this is something that you really want to know, that ends and out in deep, deep details of you want to come to that four hour workshop. It's for sale. The link will be in the show notes. The link will be in the show notes, all right, but the first thing that we want to be looking for is who are your premium buyers right Now?

Speaker 1:

There's a couple different ways to think about this. So where are they on whatever journey it is that your product or service is going to be offering? Are they at the very beginning? Are they at the middle of a journey? Are they already pretty far along on a journey? And this is this is going to help you to tailor your messaging right, how you talk to them. This is going to help you to tailor that really really very well.

Speaker 1:

So, for example, right now, when I sell premium offers, very most of the time they're going to business owners that are wanting to scale. Every now and then I will have private clients that hire me for a number of other reasons, and that's cool. That's like the cool thing about one-on-one offers is that you can kind of customize them to fit the needs of your clients exactly right. So that's actually one of the values, that's one of the bonuses. It's like they get everything that they need and nothing that they don't. They don't have to show up to classes that they don't really need. They get that one-on-one attention.

Speaker 1:

So, from your perspective, though, you want to talk to where they are at their journey right. Where they are in their financial journey. If you're selling what I sell in their weight loss journey, if you're a health or a fitness, or if you're helping people lose weight, where they are on their road to whatever business, where they are in their terms of their projects, or where they even for products, where they are in terms of whatever journey they're on right. So you want to think about that customer journey and where they are in terms of the stage of that journey and where it is that they want to end up Like. This is a thing that you really want to know and understand. So that way, when you're talking to them, you're attracting people at the right place in their journey for you to be able to offer your highest level of service and for them to also be able to need it, want it, afford it, you know, be ready, willing and able to pay premium prices, all right. So where they are on their journey is a place that you want to really get clear about.

Speaker 1:

The other thing that we want to start to get clear about is what they want and their pains and their problems about it. Right, and we want to talk about this very specifically. Like. One of the reasons that people will often attribute hiring me is they'll be like I read your posts and I feel like you know me. I feel like you've heard what's going on in my head, like you know exactly, like you understand what's in my way so specifically that I'm trusting you to help me. That's basically what they're saying.

Speaker 1:

So the more specific we can get in terms of what they want and the problems, the obstacles, the mindsets, the emotions, the time constraints, you know whatever it is that gets in their way. We want to speak very specifically to those desires and to those problems, right, because they want a certain result. If they're on a journey, right, they're looking to get somewhere, and there are always obstacles and problems along every step in season of a journey, and so the reason that they would hire help is for you to help them overcome those, those obstacles, or overcome those mindsets, or overcome you know their emotions, whatever, whatever, showing up for them and is in the way. So, the more specific you can get, the more those premium buyers are like girl, she is talking to me, she is talking right to me, she knows me, right, and this gives people confidence that you know what you're doing, that they know that you can help them and that they know that you understand what they're going through. And this gives you know, a nod to the speed at which you can help them, right? So I'm really talking about messaging. I'm really talking about how we talk to these people and how we convey our expertise so quickly, right, and this is and this is how we do it.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to be getting super clear about where they are on their journey. We're, and it's not where this individual person is. You're going to be talking to the people that you want to be working with, right? So, if so, let's just say right now, for one-on-one work, I'm working with mainly business owners who are scaling a business, so they're already making more than six figures. They already have a team. It may or may not be a very big team and they already know they're already experts. They already know what they're doing. They don't necessarily need help with marketing. They don't necessarily need help with sales. Mostly, they're going to need help with stuff that's coming up places that they keep doing the exact same thing. You know they're stuck in survival mode or their fear is getting in the way. Right, they want to hire more people and they feel like they can't for time constraints, for other things, right? So we want to talk about that very specifically. That's how we're going to attract the right people.

Speaker 1:

Then we want to also convey some of the value for being able to move faster on this journey, being able to, you know, overcome obstacles, challenges, problems and get to their desire faster. Right? So it's the speed we want to be really selling the speed People will pay for speed. Speed is something that's super, super valuable to people right, and so especially your premium buyers. Your premium buyers understand the value of time and they know that time is more valuable than money and they will pay money to get a result faster. Now, that is not true of all buyers, but for your premium buyers it will be true. We want to also highlight the fact that they're going to get one on one attention and feedback. Again, this kind of goes to the speed and to the smoothness for this journey that were that, whatever they're on, you know, we want to talk about the way that we can kind of help them stick with it.

Speaker 1:

Accountability celebration, you know, having a place to be accountable, having a place to celebrate, having a place to be encouraged, cheered for right these things make, make a journey go so much faster because they provide momentum. Most of the time when people don't have very quick feedback from an expert, they're going to struggle, they're going to spin in circles, they're going to go around a round. They might have to learn the same lesson two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight times, and that's part of being on a journey. But if you're with a mentor, if you're with an expert, if you're with somebody that's been down this road before you, can, you know, expedite that so that that instant feedback is something that we want to be, you know, talking about. And the same thing for celebration Celebration gives a lot of momentum.

Speaker 1:

Most people don't have anybody that they feel safe to celebrate with, especially when you're on a journey and you're further along than your friends and relatives. You know it doesn't always feel good to to celebrate how much money you made in your business, so where, how fit you're becoming, you know, or whatever whatever, the journey is Right. So these are some of the things Now. So this is how you attract the right buyers in. So what this is, these are outward facing messages that we're putting out there. Maybe your Facebook posts might be your blog, it might be your podcast, but we're going to be talking to the exact person that we want to be talking to, right, and so this is when we're attracting premium buyers.

Speaker 1:

This isn't the place to be like, oh, I do everything and you could do everything, right, I just. But it's really the more specific you are around this, the more it gives people the idea that you can help them smoother, faster, better, stronger. You know, like results, right. So if you're talking about like so, like if I'm talking about how I do private coaching for business owners and I do private coaching for retirees and I do private coaching for people who want to pay off credit card debt and I do private coaching for people, and listen, people can read between the lines like I do offer private coaching. Like if you come to see me and you're like, listen, I have this problem, can you help me solve it? I could tell you yes or no. I've solved a lot of problems over the years and so that's also something that comes with the messaging too, right. So we need the longer you've been in business, the longer you've had yourself out there, you've been serving people, the more credibility you're going to have.

Speaker 1:

If you are somebody who's a little bit newer in business, you know, stick to one or two things you know to attract the right people, the people who are ready, willing and able to do, to do whatever it is Right, all right. The next thing that we have to do is set the price. So, on a practical level, the way that I, the way that I figure my pricing out, is I figure out how much do I want to bill per hour and that is for the business. That's not my hour, that's not like my take home rate, that's not like the amount of money that I get necessarily paid. I own this business and so I bill for the business.

Speaker 1:

And inside of the business, my premium clients are supporting not just me but also the infrastructure that's required to serve them. So I look and I see how much money do I want to be billing per hour? And then I'm like I don't know how many hours is this going to take? Is there anything that I can offer that's leveraged, that adds a lot of value to them, that doesn't cost me time, right? So when somebody signs up for private coaching, they get access to all of my courses, and so that's lots of you know thousands of dollars worth of courses that they get. That at this point, for me it's, you know, the content's already made, so it doesn't cost me anything to give them. So it's a really big perceived value and it's a very big value that they get. But it also doesn't cost me anything, and then that gets factored in.

Speaker 1:

So we look at the amount of time that we're going to spend, we look at what else we can add. We look at the experience of it, right. So there are, like think about, when you buy a Mac book or an Apple iPhone, that box is specially designed. Opening it as part of the experience. It opens slow. You have like a few extra seconds of anticipation, right, it's not just like any old box that you've opened before. It's extra tight, right, it's part of the experience. So you can think about that from a service perspective. Like, you know, what do we want these people to feel like? What is this premium experience? What does this feel like to them? Right? So, what else? I mean, I'm just looking at my notes. All right, yeah, so as we're creating our offer, we're going to be looking at, you know, how much time it takes, and then we can start to set the price from there, right, and so we're looking at all right, how much, how much time does this take? And then you'll put the price together, for how much you want to be charging for this offer, and then you have to really get behind the price.

Speaker 1:

So, for me, I look at the value of their distance and their journey, right, the value that they get, and so and the more clients I have, the more solid I feel in that value. At first I was a little shakier, but now I feel really, really good in the value that I provide, and so the value is within them, right. So they're going to get this value. So when I'm looking at value, I'm looking at, like, their immediate financial change. I'm looking at what they're able to do because they make this change. Many of my clients will share this knowledge that I teach them with their children. So they basically are starting to build a legacy, they're starting to become the example. They're literally trick. This work is trickling down.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm not necessarily charging extra for that, but I want to be able to clearly articulate the entire value of this, because when I go to sell it, you know, sometimes people get a little sticker shock and I have to, you know, just sometimes make the value clear, right. So sometimes people are like you charge what? And I'm like, yeah, well, I mean, if you quadruple your business this year, how much more money are you going to make and how much is that going to impact your family? And what is this, this work, going to do for your kids, your community? Okay, great, and how's this going to impact this? And how much are you paying in credit card interest and how much will you save on the credit card interest when this problem goes away? And you know, blah, blah, blah, blah blah.

Speaker 1:

So that way, the value of what, when we're talking about it, they can see that the value of our work, of them getting further onto their journey, is worth so much more than the price, and then they can start to see the value of the speed. Right, listen, if you're paying, let's just say, for example, and you know, let's just say, for example, a credit card debt, right, if somebody comes and sees me and they have $50,000 of credit card debt that they've had for 20 years, they've been paying at least $10,000 a month or $10,000 a year on their credit card debt for Whatever this problem has cost them, let's just say, at 50,000, 10 years, that's $100,000 of credit card interest that they paid. If we could break the habits, the mindsets, the whatever, and they can have that 100 grand for the next 10 years go into their retirement instead of being a drain, that's a huge amount of value, and so we want to start really being able to equate the value of what we do to tangible results. Now for, sometimes, for coaches, especially coaches that are doing anything like in the energy realms or in the spiritual realms. This can be a little bit difficult to start to ground it. You have to really look for it All right. Well, when we shift this thing, we start to see this outward facing result.

Speaker 1:

If you want to charge premium pricing, you have to be able to clearly articulate these big inner shifts, these big inner changes in your mindset, in your energy, in your emotions, how they translate out to real world. So you want to be able to articulate this. It's not just to be able to say it out loud, but you want to feel so grounded in the value of what somebody gets, that the price. If they don't want to pay it, of course they don't have to pay it. But you don't want to be wobbling on your price, like when somebody's like, wow, that's a really high price. You want to be like, yeah, it's a really premium offer. And yeah, if premium pricing isn't for you, I get that, but this offer is a well worth it, whether and that's whether or not they can afford it.

Speaker 1:

Listen, and also I will also tell you that when you're selling premium priced goods, not everybody will be able to afford it. You will break people's hearts. People will want to work with you and they will see the value of it and they will want it and they will not be able to pull the trigger. And that's something that, if you're going to sell premium priced offers, this is not everybody will be able to afford it, and that was actually a huge part of the motivation that helped me to start to offer courses and books and podcasts and other things that were really leveraged, so that way I could work with people no matter where they were at right. So not everybody's going to be able to afford premium pricing and I just want you to know that that that's okay and that's not an indication your pricing is too high, because when we're working with premium buyers, we're only working with a small segment of our audience, a small segment of the population at all.

Speaker 1:

Right, this year I'm going to take a total of three premium clients. I'm not going to have more than three private high you know, high touch clients at a time. I'm just not. That's what I have capacity for, so I can charge as much as I want, as much as I want, as much as it's fair, as much as the value that they're going to get out of it. It's not a thing that I'm doing unlimited amounts of, so I only need three people to be able to afford the pay premium rates to work with me. Right, that's it. So that's the thing.

Speaker 1:

I just want to say that, because sometimes people will be like oh, I got priced back on the, I got pushed back on the price. Maybe the price is too high, and it's like no premium offers are just are, they're just not for everybody, and so you're you'll have to settle into that if that's something that you really really want to do. So, as you set the price, you want to. You want to look at the value. You want to look at the value they get Now. You want to look at the value over time. You want to look at the set like the ripple effects of the value.

Speaker 1:

So that way, when you're looking at the value the value that you can see that they're going to get from your time together, your product, your service or whatever is so high that the price looks okay, right, and you're going to want to really feel solid about that in your body, because if you're wobbling, if you're unsure, if you feel bad about it, if you feel guilty, they're going to pick up on it and you're not going to make the sale, you'll close. You won't close the sale and I will tell you every, every single time I've raised my price, which has been many times over the last few years, I'll lose a sale or two because I won't feel so confident. And then what will end up happening is I will get furious, I'll be like, ah there, and then I will anchor myself, I'll like this sounds silly, but this is what happens for me in this part of my process, is I will have a little mental disagreement with somebody. Now, this is just me talking to myself about the value of my product and or my service or whatever, and I'll just kind of talk myself through it until I feel so solid in it that the next time I close those sales. So if you're coming into premium pricing the first time, if you lose a sale or two or three as you're coming into it, that's, that's pretty normal and I wouldn't make that mean anything. Don't make that mean anything about you. You just need to get so super, super solid.

Speaker 1:

So, as you're saying the price, you're going to want to practice this. You're going to want to practice in the mirror. You're going to want to practice, maybe with your, with a friend or your spouse or something like that, because there's a lot of sensation that will come up as you're, as you're saying these price, because really what we're talking about is a very intimate level of exchange and a lot of responsibility. You know, like there's a lot of intimacy and responsibility that comes when we're working with people on a very high touch. You know high, high level, and so you just want to learn how to be with that sensation as it comes up in your body and just recognizing that, the intensity. You know if you feel intensely nervous or intensely, I don't know, whatever that is, that it's okay, it's part of the process, but you're going to have to be okay with that as you're being, as you're doing your sales. You know, as you're putting these offers out there, if you're feeling really wonky and you feel like you can't really hold yourself, you know that'll be. That will just translate into if you're wobbly, it will translate into wobbly sales. So these are some things that, if you are hoping to work less hours, hoping to get more premium clients and I will, I'll tell I will also tell you premium clients.

Speaker 1:

I love working with the people who are wanting, wanting high and high touch work, because they show up, and when people spend that much money to work with you, they tend to get really good results. They tend to be the clients who are the easiest to work with, the most delightful, they tend to be the ones who who have a good level of self-responsibility and self-awareness and they tend to show up, and I don't just mean like show up with their, with their physical presence to your. They show up in the work. So I love working. I love working with clients who are in premium offers, whether it's private coaching, whether or not it's my limitless wealth mastermind, you know, or every now and then I'll offer another premium offer. I love to. I'll just say that I I really enjoy working with the buyers who are all in on it. I also love all my other clients too.

Speaker 1:

I love the people who buy my courses. I love the people who come to my 28-day journal prompt journeys. I love the people who don't even buy anything and comment on my social posts. I love the people who've never bought a single thing and send me emails about this and that. But there's so much satisfaction when you get to be close to somebody as they do it because it's just such a joy to witness. Sometimes, when people buy my other stuff, I don't always get to see that end result, which is fine, but when somebody's been in my pocket they've been in my WhatsApp I get to see the whole journey and there's so much satisfaction in it.

Speaker 1:

You set the price, you practice, you get fully, fully behind yourself on the value of this. Most time you're going to have to sharpen your sales skills and make sure that you're really able to clearly articulate that value and make sure that you're able to really hold steady when you get a price objection. Because when you're selling premium priced offers you will get a price objection, even by people might have to sit with it for a day, and that's fine, or sit with it for a little while before they feel good to make a decision. So when I sell premium priced offers I don't really have a lot of pressure on it. Usually I'll give people a few days to think about it and then I'll take the offer off the table, just so that it's not weird. But it's not like you have to make a decision right now. Yeah, sure, take a day, think about it, look at your finances, make sure it's a good fit, all of those things.

Speaker 1:

So just to do a quick little recap so make sure, before you start looking at premium pricing, that you can deliver a premium result, a premium experience. Make sure you're ready for it in your business. Make sure that you're able to deliver what you've sold. That's just for integrity and for ethics. If you're charging premium prices but delivering something mediocre, it's not going to really go great for you. Is it going to feel gross for you? It's going to feel gross for them and chances are actually it won't sell. So just make sure you're in a place where you're able to deliver.

Speaker 1:

Then we start to work on attracting your premium buyers, and so we're going to be talking about their desires, their obstacles, their pain points, their trouble, and so we want to make sure that we can demonstrate that we know where they are, the problems that they're having. We want to make sure that we can articulate that those problems are, that we know how to solve them, that they're going to get speed, that they're going to get to get to their goal, their journey, their desire, faster. We're going to be talking about the value of attention and focused feedback. We're going to be talking about results and then accountability, celebration, momentum, all of those things. So when we're talking to the buyers, when we're talking and so this is messaging when we're doing our messaging, we want to be super, super clear. The best messaging, like I said before, is people are going to talk to you and they're going to be like I thought you were in my head. I felt like you've known me for years. That means you're nailing it.

Speaker 1:

Then we're going to come up with our offer. We want to make sure that our offer is set to deliver results, that they have adequate support for what they need. Again, if this is a product, that the product includes everything that's required. If you're selling premium something, include the batteries, include a little bonus, include everything that they would need. The premium that's in so that we're creating this premium experience and the offer. Then we're going to set the price. So we're going to look at what it takes in terms of our time and how much we want to be paid, and then what else we can add to this to offer value, what else we can take out, so that way it's not cluttered. Premium offers don't have everything in them, because it's not a smorgasbord. We're curating their experience, we're curating that thing for them.

Speaker 1:

Then we're going to get into sales. We want to make sure that we understand the layers and layers and layers of value that this offer provides, whether product or service or whatever else. We want to be into this. We want to be like this is so valuable, so that way we're not wobbling when we're selling it, it makes sense, we feel really good about it, they feel really good about it, and that they get to receive all of those layers of value that we've sold them and we've talked about together. So I hope you got something out of this.

Speaker 1:

I hope that you're able to raise your prices if that is within your I don't know if that's something you're wanting to do, hoping to do, and I will also just take a minute. So soon I'm offering a four hour workshop called the top dollar method and we're going to get very much into detail about what we've talked about today. So if you own a business, if you are looking to raise your prices, attract more high end buyers, attract, get into the premium priced modeling, then you want to come to top dollar method, because it's going to just be real good. We're going to go through yeah, we're going to go through the messaging that offers, the pricing, the mindset, the energetics, all of it. So that way, you have kind of a roadmap for how you've done this and I will tell you that I've raised my prices.

Speaker 1:

I mean a minimum I didn't really count but like a minimum of 50 times since 2017. I mean the first, my first coaching client. I worked with $500, for I think I worked with her for like six months, and now I charge more than $2,000 per session, per single session, and so I've raised my prices. I was doing $1,000 for coaching, $1,200 for coaching, $1,500, $1,800. And it's gone up a zillion times and still I raised my price. Every time my close rate gets to 100%, I raised my prices. And every time I went on one services are sold out, I'll generally raise my prices a little bit too. So it's something that I've done personally many, many, many times. I've helped many clients increase their pricing. So, anyways, if that is the thing that you are looking into, you want to get into premium pricing, I would suggest coming to it. It's a four hour workshop. You'll learn everything that you need to know and then and then you can go from there.

Speaker 1:

All right, ladies, I love you, I appreciate you and I will get to talk to you next week. It was my pleasure and joy to talk with you today. Thank you for listening. If you found value in our conversation, I kindly ask you to share the show with a friend who deserves to unleash her financial power. Your feedback is so, so valuable to me, so please take a moment to leave a review. Together, we can amplify the message and bring more money into the hands of good women For ongoing guidance and unwavering support on your financial journey. I invite you to join the Cash Confident community. Visit wwwcashconfidentcom slash. Join to become part of our powerful community of women, where we uplift and inspire one another to reach new heights of financial success. Remember, you possess the power to shape your financial destiny and, with the Cash Confident podcast and the support of our remarkable community, you are unstoppable. Embrace your financial power, create the life you desire and let's ignite a movement of Cash Confident women who are transforming the world, one dollar, one decision at a time.

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