Cash Confident with Brie Sodano

7 Principles of Limitless Wealth (Part One)

April 25, 2024 Brie Episode 49

Embark with me to the heart of true wealth. This isn't your typical money talk; it's a revelation of how holistic prosperity transcends the confines of our bank accounts. I'll take you through my evolution from pursuing dollar signs to living a life brimming with freedom, health, and deep connections. Together, we'll explore the seven pillars that work in concert to unlock a life characterized not by lack, but by limitless abundance.

Imagine setting monumental goals that are not merely aspirational, but also transformative, simplifying your journey to success and allowing you to focus on what genuinely matters. By fostering ambition, we can channel our mental energy into maximizing our income and, by extension, our life's enjoyment. I'll share the profound shifts that come when we release the reins a bit—how letting go can lead to growth, and how crafting the perfect environment can usher us into a flow state where we operate at our peak.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cash Confident Podcast. I'm Brie Sedano, your fearless host, personal finance expert and the visionary behind the revolutionary Cash Confident community. Get ready to embark on an electrifying journey where we redefine the rules of money and empower women to harness the immense power to craft the life they truly, truly desire. This podcast is the ultimate resource, meticulously crafted, for women who are ready to unleash their financial prowess and embrace a life of abundant success. We leave no stone unturned as we delve into the depths of money management, mindset mastery and the undeniable influence of emotions on your financial decisions. Prepare to rise above the societal limitations and break free from the chains that have held you back, as we equip you with the tools and knowledge to make bold, confident choices with your cash. We believe that true financial power begins with knowledge, and that is exactly what we deliver. So buckle up, my fierce and ambitious friends, as we embark on this transformative journey to becoming cash confident together. Oh, hello, hello, wonderful people. Oh, fixing my microphone. Brie Sedano here coming to you today.

Speaker 1:

Today, we're talking about the seven principles of limitless wealth. I'm going to tell you a little bit about my story, my journey, and then I'm going to teach you the seven principles of limitless wealth. So over the last few years I have really dug in to manifestation and it all sounds so woo, but it's really like how do we create the life that we want? It's basically like where do we get that energy, the power, the ideas, the inspiration? Where does all of this come from? How do we tap into these places? How come some people have so much momentum and energy and power and other people can barely get themselves out of their own way or sometimes can't even get themselves out of their own way, or sometimes can't even get themselves out of their own way. And so I've been really studying this for a very long time. I've read in my Audible I think I have 400 read books from the last few years, and that's not even. I have a library of Kindle books and built-in bookshelves that I often have to clear. I've spent a ton of money on courses, coaching, retreats, shamanic rituals, then a handful of hallucinogens. What's interesting is that my journey started really with money, really looking for more money. My first really big move was when I left working for a nonprofit to go into sales, which I had never done before, selling stocks and bonds. Right, that was my first really big transformation and then from there I went into like planning and then from there I started my own business. So there's been a lot of really big transformations for me over the years, and some of what I'm studying really comes down to power, like where's your power, where's your agency in these situations.

Speaker 1:

But there's some principles that I've just noticed of the people who just and when I say limitless wealth, money, but I also mean time, location, relationships, general wellbeing, happiness, health, stuff required to have a wonderful existence. That's what I mean when I say limitless wealth. The money's a part of it, but the money's not the only thing. Right, because there's a ton of ways to make enough money to have a beautiful life and still not have a beautiful life, right? People come see me and they're making a ton of money but they don't have time. They're making a ton of money but they don't have health. They're making a ton of money, but their relationships are all not so great. And so, anyways, I'm going to teach you some of the things that I've learned from all of my research and just from working with very successful people over the years. So when I'm talking about limitless wealth, I'm talking about the capacity for power to create, like to have what you want really. This is really it and what I love about these principles. So listen, where I teach clients, I have a cash confident membership and we're teaching a lot of money management there.

Speaker 1:

But these seven principles are woven in, but maybe they're not like how do you get your business to 10X? They're like how do you free up your time? Like busy, but maybe they're not like how do you get your business to 10x? They're like how do you free up your time? Like busy, broke and exhausted. Busy, broke and exhausted is the opposite of limitless wealth. Right, that's where a lot of people are and that's not about money.

Speaker 1:

I've worked with people who are making a million dollars a month Maybe not a million dollars a month, but a lot of money, right. Who come see me busy, broken, exhausted. And I see people who are busy, broken, exhausted, making 50,000, 75, 100,000, 200, 300, 400, but it doesn't matter. And then I see people who are limitlessly wealthy at all incomes too. So this is about money, but it's not exactly. It's not like money's a piece of it, but it's not the whole. It's not the whole thing. So, anyways, let me get into it. Let me I don't know, let me just get into it. All right, I have my notes on the wall today. So if you are watching, you're going to see me looking at my notes, because I just organized all my thoughts and I'm a person who likes giant pieces of paper on my walls. That's if you didn't know that about me. Now you do, all right.

Speaker 1:

So one of the first principles of limitless wealth is tapping into true desire. This is one of the biggest and most important things and there's a couple. There's there's the internal reason, which is it activates your heart, and then there's the external reason, which is it also activates the co-creative force of life. So here is what I understand about desires is desire is life working through you? Desires are not like you don't get to choose them. You want what you want and you don't really get to pick.

Speaker 1:

So that's something I've come to really see about desire, because people often want things that they don't want. They're like I want this thing, but I feel judged about it. I don't want this thing that I want. So mentally, their sweet little ego brain is absolutely not hard now, but like their heart is, we're going for this and oftentimes our desires don't make sense to our sweet little minds. We want things that make no sense, and that's okay, and so, anyways, desire is one of the first places that, if you want to have a limitless life, that juicy, big, abundant as fuck life like desire is one of the places where you were to start.

Speaker 1:

Now, what I will say about desire is that many of us are socially conditioned to not have full access to our desires, especially women, and that's, that's old, it's social conditioning from hundreds of years. But desire freeing up your desire is one of the first places, and the thing about it is when you really truly want what you want, it's you're braver, you're more brave and you're more willing to do what needs to be done, and life plays with you. So this is one of the critical components, like when people are working towards something they don't really want and they're not really on the track of pure desire, it's significantly more difficult. Plus, you never really get that full life abundance because you're spending the bulk of your time doing something you really don't want to do, which is not limitless wealth. If you have to go to a job, let's just say you hate your job, but you make a ton of money If you have to spend eight hours a day there being miserable, being unhappy, doing things that don't fulfill you you're. It sets you off balance for the whole rest of your life.

Speaker 1:

But when you're on the path of true desire, you have like extra superpowers, because your heart is fully activated and life comes in with all of the co-creative forces of the universe to put you in the right place at the right time, to introduce you to the right people, to make you aware of the right opportunities. And you in life are playing the game. But you're on the track that like where you're co-creating with life and when you're not on desire, you're not tapping into one. You're the true potential of what your heart is willing to do and you're also not tapping into what life is willing to give to you. You're just doing something for the idea. Most of the time, if you're not in your true desires, it's the ideas of safety or it's the social conditioning that makes you judge your desires as wrong and bad and repress them right. So that desire is the first principle of limitless wealth, that when you tap in to your true desire, that's the place.

Speaker 1:

And Napoleon Hill if you've ever read Think and Grow Rich, which is a good book and I would suggest reading it. That's the opening chapter. He says you need a burning desire, right, and pretty much most people that are writing manifestation books talk about the pure desire of it. And this is why it's because on the internal side, your heart activates and on the external side, with life, you get all the co-creative juices. And getting your desires met is fun. This is where it comes into element as well, like getting what you want is delicious, it's a fun, it's a great experience. It's like that, oh, like on a hot day, maybe you're doing something outside, then you have a cold iced tea or a cold beer and you're like oh, so good, it was just like perfect, it hit the spot. You know what I mean. So that's the first principle of limitless wealth.

Speaker 1:

The second principle of limitless wealth that I find and is that are you ready? The impossible is usually easier than the very possible. So when clients come to see me, I have an offer called Limitless Wealth. That's a mastermind, and people are typically coming to see me for their businesses in that context and I'm like you know what? Let me just start where I am.

Speaker 1:

So when we're looking at possibilities, it requires a lot of mental energy, and so when we set a goal that's big and I'm talking maybe big enough where you're like I don't know if that could really be done right, like when you're setting a goal that's that big Now assuming it's also the truth of your desire we don't want to be just be setting massive goals that we don't really want. That is not the way to have a delicious, juicy life. That is the way to be stressed out and terrified all the time. But when you're looking at like, all right, what do I want to create? What's this, maybe business I want to create? What's this life that I want to create? What do I want to give to the world?

Speaker 1:

If you're looking at the possibilities oh, I want to make 10% more money or I want to serve 10% more people the amount of possibilities for how you could accomplish such a goal becomes infinite. There's probably 100 ways in your business that you can make 10% more money and they each have strategies and plans and for you to mentally examine all of them will take a ton of mental energy and it often will put you in a paralysis by analysis. A lot of times when people are doing paralysis by analysis, their goals are too small, like when I'm listening to people talk and they're like I'm going to make a little bit more money and there's 55,000 ways that I could do it and blah, blah, blah. And my team and them is, and it's you're overthinking it. And you're overthinking it because your goal is too small. You have too. You have too many options to mentally examine. You could be at this for years and still not make the 10% more money. Right, because we have to understand that our mental resources are finite. You don't have like decision fatigue is real, like your mental energy. Your brain only has a certain amount of glucose every day and then you have to rest, you have to go play, you have to go do something else for your brain to come up with new ideas, and so that's, that's so.

Speaker 1:

When we look at setting a really big goal, the path, the amount of options for pathways, usually come down to three or less. So if somebody says to me, oh, I want to make 10% more money, I'm like, all right, let's just say somebody comes to see me, they're making $100 a year, they want to make 10% more money. No-transcript, go away. They're like, all right, what got you here? It won't get you there. The vast majority of those options fall away. What this does for you is it allows you to direct your mental focus toward the things that are going to make the biggest impact. It creates so much clarity and it allows you to align your actions towards that goal so much easier.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times with businesses, people get stuck in the weeds the day to day, and it's those are the things that keep us so small, because we're thinking small. So one of the other principles of limitless wealth is really around that big growth and expansion, and nothing's ever impossible. But it's going to the edge, to the, with much more agency over where your mind will go. And I'm going to give you. I was reading a book called 10X is easier than 2X, and he, the author, asked the best little question here. He was like so you take your goal out to where you think it's impossible, and then you ask yourself if this is, it's impossible unless that was the question this goal is impossible unless and then you start to add your conditions and then that becomes like the basis of some of your plans, and so that's another possibility. So if you want to have like that juicy, unlimited life, setting goals or setting desires, setting your mind to the edges, just beyond the edges, of what you think is possible, really helps those big transformations because it frees up your mental resources. It frees up your mental resources and so your brain then starts to untangle the challenge of oh, how do we do this impossible thing Rather than examining the 55,000 pathways for you to make 10% more money this month?

Speaker 1:

The idea that the bigger, sometimes it's just easier to make more money than it is to make a little bit of money, like oftentimes, and the same principle. I'm going to explain this to you if you're at the beginning of a financial journey, maybe if you're still working in a W-2 job or whatever. Sometimes I say to people, let's just say somebody comes to see me with a whole bunch of credit card debt and they really want to pay off their credit card debt. And I'm looking at their numbers and I'm like you have to make more money. And they're like and I'm like, listen, we could do the math and strip your life bare, but I promise you it will be easier for you to figure out a way to make more money. I promise you it will be easier for you to make more money than it will be to cut back every single facet of your life and it will be more enjoyable, right? And that's advice that sometimes is frustrating for people to hear. But I'm like, do you want to really eat less groceries and less quality good food for the rest of your life? No, just make more money. And that bumps up against our limitations, right? So if you're listening to that and you're like, oh, this woman, it's supposed to bump up against your limitations, so if you think it's not possible, those are the places that you want to start to shift. Stretch your mind just beyond those impossibilities. So that's.

Speaker 1:

The second principle of limitless wealth is often that the impossible is often easier. The impossible is often easier. All right, the third principle and these are in no particular order, also, I'll say that the third principle of limitless wealth is knowing how to let go, and this could be your tasks, your responsibilities, your projects, your stories, your beliefs, your habits, etc. So sometimes it's internal things like beliefs, stories, habits, actions, behaviors. Already, if we were already like ready for the, the next big thing, we would already have it. So we're not ready. So a lot of times that some of the stuff that we have we can't come with us. So we have to learn to let it go go.

Speaker 1:

So I'll tell you this this last year I've really been on, been with myself, working on letting go of control right, learning how to trust, learning how to surrender, right, like those are things that I, those are skills that I didn't always have and that I have been slowly learning how to let go of control. But I had a lot of control because I didn't always feel safe, and so then I take control of things. But when I have all my power in controlling things, I lose a lot of momentum, I lose a lot of steam, I don't go as fast, and it's Generally, it's harder, it's generally for me anyways. It sucks so letting go and so oftentimes when this comes to business, if I'm going to focus my attention on the things that move the needle the most, that are the most impactful projects, the things that impact the most people, then typically of that, but it means I can't personally be doing all the things, so maybe I need to hire somebody to get those tasks off my plate, which again it costs control right, like I can't have perfect control if I'm hiring somebody else to do it, and this is why letting go is it's not a thing that you just do once. It's a thing that you have to choose every day to be in this limitless space. So we often hear people say things like letting go of what no longer serves. But sometimes it's habits, sometimes it's behaviors, like I'll tell you, I used to do a lot of drinking, right, that was part of my social life.

Speaker 1:

I would go out for a drink with people. I'd be like, hey, girl, you want to go out for a beverage? That was like my invite. But I can't do that anymore because it slows me down. It doesn't take much.

Speaker 1:

If I have a glass of wine, a beer, a drink the next day, I'm slow in the whole morning. The morning is my most productive time of the day and it's not that I'm getting out, like getting so smashed that I'm hungover, it's just that my body, when I like metabolize it, costs me something. I don't get as good of a night's sleep and it's a habit that one day I did the math on it and I looked and I'm like all right, this drinking costs me so much, what do I get out of it? And I'm like almost nothing, like I could literally go out, drink a seltzer water, have the exact same conversation, have the exact same amount of fun. So I'm like this thing costs me.

Speaker 1:

That's something I let go of. Right, there's other. There's relationships that I used to have, that that I had to let go of, that weren't that I couldn't take where I'm going now. So those are things that, when it comes to tapping into the limitlessness of life, sometimes we have to be willing to let go of. Things again that are internal, like our beliefs, our stories, our stuck emotions, our wounding, our whatever. And sometimes it's external stuff like tasks, projects, responsibilities, business partners, relationships, friendships, blah, blah, blah, blah. So that's the third principle of limitless wealth, and the strategic letting go of stuff often will free people up for so much because it's generally your energy.

Speaker 1:

Let me see if I have a good story. You know, listen, I had a client once who had this boyfriend and he was probably I don't know him I'm going to say he's a lovely person, but he was controlling and he was a tremendous emotional suck. She was always dealing with his emotions, like she was always dealing with his emotions. He had this business that was actually not successful at all and she was always trying to save his business. Oh, she was lending money to this business, which was not a great financial move and also not a great emotional move and all of this stuff. And then when she let him go, the look in her face was different, the amount of energy she had. Within maybe a year and a half she was married to somebody beautiful, wonderful, who takes great care of her. She got a tremendous raise, big job difference of her. She got a tremendous raise, big job difference. So when she was with this person, her income was small, her life was small, she was always dealing with his nonsense. She let that relationship go and she just flourished, and so that's limitless wealth, and that's in a personal sense.

Speaker 1:

So again, like, these things are financial things, but they're also they're more than that, and it's the same thing Like sometimes it's like we let go of our. I had a mentor once who had a membership that required a tremendous amount of time and attention. It was her lowest producing. It was like it required 80% of the effort in her business but only produced 20% of the money, and it was very difficult for her to let it go. She let it go and her income skyrocketed because she wasn't using 80% of her energy on this task anymore, and so this is why this is part of how you get to this limitless wealth is learning what to let go of, learning how to let go of things. And I'll also tell you this is just like an extra little bonus on this topic is sometimes, when we're up leveling in our life, it feels like our life is falling apart. Sometimes, when things are going well, when we're actually doing the things, there's parts of our lives that are crumbling away, falling apart, they're letting go, and that can be hard and it can be scary. All right, I just want to also say that, but it's also so fascinating.

Speaker 1:

This story is a few years from a few years ago, but I was going through a massive transformation in my own life, right Like in the way that I was teaching, the way that I was doing my business, whatever. And in the exact same month, I had, I think, four clients quit one of my high-end masterminds, which I've never had that it's so rare that somebody leaves one of my containers that signed the contract. It's super, super rare, almost never happens. And I had four people in the same month and none of them were for me. They weren't aligned with who I was becoming. They were aligned when they'd signed up, but in a very short amount of time.

Speaker 1:

I went through a massive up level and those clients weren't a fit anymore and they just dropped away. But that was. I had to process that I had to have some. I had some feelings about that because I was like, am I doing something wrong? But I wasn't doing anything wrong. I was just growing and expanding and they, they weren't going to be able to be where I was going. Next they were where I was. So we had a brief interaction and all of them are lovely and follow them on Facebook and love them and stuff, but it just wasn't the fit and I had to let them go. And that was part of that, was part of what was required, and it was scary and it was hard and I was a little butthurt about it. Just saying so. Letting go can be hard, but that's one of the principles that when you want to tap into the limitlessness of life, that's one of the skills that you're going to need, and it's an internal skill and an external skill. All right, I'm seeing that we are at 25 minutes, so I'm going to teach this next one and then we're going to put in a part two for next week, all right.

Speaker 1:

So the fourth principle of limitless wealth that we're going to talk about today is a flow state. So there's entire bodies of work on flow state, but basically, what flow state is? There's this magical place when you're doing your work, where you get in the zone and you can get done in a few hours what might take you half a week if you are, maybe a whole week if you were not in the zone and flow state. These workings and flow state is where timelessness becomes a thing, where you get so in the zone and you're timeless and you're just doing your work and you're in the space of inspiration and your, your focus is like a steady flow and you get so much work done. What's required for a flow state is a balanced life, like people that's really what it comes down to their work in a flow. Like the research. There's a massive research around it. There's a fellow who are just plugging away. I think his last name is colter c-o-l or no k-o-l-t-e-r, I believe, but they did a study about architects and they had research as average architects versus and he talks about the things that are required. You need a good night's rest. You highly sought after most prolific, famous architect. You need to have.

Speaker 1:

Really, most of the things that contribute to a flow state are things that you do in the rest of your life. It's not about the way that you work, the thing that prolific architects didn't. So if you get distracted, if you're in a flow state and you get a big distraction, you take a phone, call somebody to interrupt, so your chances are you're not going to get back and then I'm going to do my work. Obviously so is it also about eliminating. That was so interesting. But the flow state is about how you work and it's about procrastinating and making your life set up so that way, when you're working, did you get enough? What do you wait? But the inspiration, and it increases your level of self-trust somewhere between five and a hundred times, depending on what research. You have to be open to be in a flow state right, and you also have to be well-resourced. So those are some of the things also. But, like when you're, when you mostly do your work in a flow state, the level of impact you make is so big, so fast, so much momentum. Like you get so many more hours back when you own, when you do the bulk of your work in a flow state, when that's a state that you can achieve regularly. That was maybe two years ago.

Speaker 1:

I did a whole retreat called Leveraged, just on flow states, and that's it's one of the things that we work on inside the Limitless Wealth Container. So, look, I'm going to just do a quick recap and then next week we'll learn the last three principles of Limitless Wealth. All right, so the first one was desire, and the desire helps you to activate your heart, your courage, your good ideas, your like enthusiasm, and it activates life to co-create with you. And so when you're on the path of desire, you're moving with momentum because your heart is in it and life is setting you up for success, because you guys are working together. Desire is the place of the co-creation.

Speaker 1:

Then we have the impossible is easier, right, and so this is the idea where we start to stretch our mind. We start to take our ideas really out, right outside of our comfort zones, right outside of our mental area of does this make sense? And what that does for us is it reduces the amount of mental energy we have to spend figuring it out. It gets our options down to a couple options. It gets our pathways down to a couple pathways, and so then we can get into the planning, we can get into the execution and it's easier because there's less. There's often, honestly, also there's often less obstacles. Sometimes you have to be a little ballsy or you have to have a little bit more courage to do something you've never done before. But it's generally much easier to set very audacious goals for your business or for your life and then get them, rather than it is to just set something for a linear type growth. So it's looking at your goals exponentially versus linearly Letting go.

Speaker 1:

And we talked about letting go on the internal way stories, emotions, beliefs, actions, habits, behaviors and then sometimes it's the external things, like tasks, projects, parts of our business, relationships, whatever else. So letting go is another principle of limitless wealth and it's about how am I using my energy? It's really about energy management. Letting go. This is a waste. It's like budgeting, but for your energy. That's what it is.

Speaker 1:

And then flow state helps us to when we, when we have a really big, full, juicy life and our relationships are good and we have we slept good and we have good food and we played and whatever we come to our work so full that we have something to give. And when we're in that state of flowing. We get so much work done and then we have to go rejuvenate again, play again Right. So much work done and then we have to go rejuvenate again, play again right. And so this is one of the things where many of the people that I work with come see me in this state of busy, broken, exhausted, and they have no flow state. They couldn't get a no flow state because they're not well resourced. They haven't had a good night's sleep in three months. They're eating takeout food five days a week, not because they want takeout food, because they're exhausted. They're stretched too thin, they have too many things on their plate, they've said yes to too many things and so they never are full, they're not rejuvenated, so they never get to that place of having that focus to give. So every day they're drugging their focus. That's not the space of limitless wealth, that's the space of busy, broken, exhausted. So I hope that this was helpful for you.

Speaker 1:

So next week for our podcast, we will do part two of the seven principles of limitless wealth and if you are also, I guess if you want to work with me on your business, on limitless wealth and it's full life abundance, when I'm working with people on limitless wealth. It's about money, but it's about so much more than money. There's a link you can click in the show notes that will take you to my calendar. You can send me an email if you choose, but we can talk about it. What's there for you and your business? Which of these seven principles we want to get started working on for you so that way you can have a life of limitless wealth, like full life, juicy, abundance, all right, okay, I love you and I will talk to you next week. Bye, everybody.

Speaker 1:

It was my pleasure and joy to talk with you today. Thank you for listening. If you found value in our conversation, I kindly ask you to share the show with a friend who deserves to unleash her financial power. Your feedback is so, so valuable to me, so please take a moment to leave a review. Together, we can amplify the message and bring more money into the hands of good women For ongoing guidance and unwavering support on your financial journey. I invite you to join the Cash Confident community. Visit wwwcashconfidentcom slash. Join to become part of our powerful community of women where we uplift and inspire one another to reach new heights of financial success. Remember, you possess the power to shape your financial destiny and with the Cash Confident podcast and the support of our remarkable community, you are unstoppable. Embrace your financial power, create the life you desire and let's ignite a movement of cash. Confident women who are transforming the world. One dollar, one decision at a time.

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