Cash Confident with Brie Sodano

Why Money Loves Authenticity

May 30, 2024 Brie Episode 54

What does it truly mean to be authentic? In this episode, we delve into the buzzword that's been on everyone's lips for years: authenticity!

Discover why authenticity is more than just a trendy concept, and learn practical tips to become more genuine in your communication. We'll explore how embracing vulnerability can create deeper connections and even enhance your financial success. From breaking down social masks to understanding your emotions, join me as we uncover the powerful impact of living your truth. Tune in for an insightful discussion that might just change how you see yourself and your interactions.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cash Confident Podcast. I'm Brie Sedano, your fearless host, personal finance expert and the visionary behind the revolutionary Cash Confident community. Get ready to embark on an electrifying journey where we redefine the rules of money and empower women to harness the immense power to craft the life they truly, truly desire. This podcast is the ultimate resource, meticulously crafted, for women who are ready to unleash their financial prowess and embrace a life of abundant success. We leave no stone unturned as we delve into the depths of money management, mindset mastery and the undeniable influence of emotions on your financial decisions. Prepare to rise above the societal limitations and break free from the chains that have held you back, as we equip you with the tools and knowledge to make bold, confident choices with your cash. We believe that true financial power begins with knowledge, and that is exactly what we deliver. So buckle up, my fierce and ambitious friends, as we embark on this transformative journey to becoming cash confident together.

Speaker 1:

Today, we're going to talk about authenticity on the Cash Confident Podcast. So authenticity is a buzzword that has been coming up for years. Right, it's something that I see and when I take classes on marketing, I was talking about authenticity. When I'm talking about selling, they're talking about selling authentically, when they're talking about connecting authentically, and for the longest time I was like okay, but what does that actually mean? What does it actually mean, and how would one actually become more authentic? And so this has taken me down a rabbit hole, and so today I'm going to just explain to you some of the things that I think about authenticity and give you some examples on how to be more authentic in your communication and why money loves authenticity, like why it's something that's worth thinking about and worth doing, in whatever capacity you can do it. So first, when I think about authenticity, what I recognize as authenticity when I'm talking to people is that the way that they're feeling or thinking is also being expressed on the outside right. So if somebody is feeling really sad but is chuckling and making fun, there's going to be a little bit of energetic, what I would call dissonance. It's like a little bit of oh okay, we're feeling really sad on the outside, but we're looking really happy on the. Or we're feeling really sad on the inside and we're looking really happy on the outside right. Or if I'm feeling a little nervous and I'm trying to come across really confident, that's the dissonance that I'm talking about. So the less dissonance that there is, the more truth that people can see about you. So if you're nervous, just saying or not like acting nervous, not like above and beyond your level of nervousness, but just being seen in your nervousness Authenticity is really vulnerable.

Speaker 1:

It's super vulnerable because we all wear these masks, right, we all wear masks of confidence and competence and we're very much trained by society to care about, like, what other people think. And what's interesting is authenticity isn't a disregard for what other people think. It's just letting other people see more of what's going on, more of the actual truth that's happening for you, and that is something that's such a gift. Like, we crave authenticity. We crave it, like when we're watching people's content, even if it's just on Instagram, and somebody is always just sharing the highlight reel. It's not that it's inauthentic, it's not that those things didn't happen at those moments are inauthentic, because I would really believe that for lots of people who share those are. It's just not the fullness of authenticity. And so when we're thinking about, authentic is sharing the ups and the downs. It's sharing, like, the wins and the heartbreaks, or it's sharing a hurt feeling or something else and the reason why this is so powerful in human interaction is because we love it. We love authenticity, we love to see the truth of what's going on for people right, and we love the rawness of real emotions and we're drawn to it. When you see somebody really authentically expressing themselves, you are drawn to it. You can't help but watch.

Speaker 1:

When you think about music generally, musicians are people who can channel a ton of authenticity between the way that they're feeling in the song that they're singing. You hear the emotion in their voice and you see it in their body language as they're singing. And even if you're not necessarily in the situation that they're singing about like I love that good breakup song even though I'm happily married forever there's something about that resonates so deeply. It's like your heart feels the tender, squishy bit of the human experience, and my heart also knows about that tender, squishy experience. And there's no masking, there's no armor in between. So it's like, energetically, we're holding hands and so that's often that's the juice about it. And so what gets in the way of authenticity, I think, is Brene Brown does a fair bit of work on this and when we're unwilling to be vulnerable, that's when we start to wear a lot of armor in the way that we interact with people, and that's one of the things that brings down our authenticity.

Speaker 1:

She talks about it. There's an audible prevenution that she did. It's called the Power of Vulnerability, and it's not a book, though it's a presentation. It was for me, it was really varied that. I've listened to it many times over the years and she talks about like perfectionism being the 10 ton shield, right, and so perfectionism is a way that sometimes we'll hide our authenticity because, like underneath all of those quirks of double checking and that doesn't, if we're actually just afraid to be judged and so sometimes just being authenticity for me started with myself. I was wearing masks out to the world, but I was also wearing them in my mirror, like at home, like I wasn't even able to be all the way vulnerable with myself. When I couldn't understand what authenticity was, it was because I was wearing all of my masks all the time, so I was like I don't even know what we're talking about. What are you even saying? It didn't make sense to me, and as I started to take off my mask and I started to decondition some of the social conditions, I could see that I was more able to express the truth of what was going on for me and that is how I started to be more authentic. That's like how it came to be.

Speaker 1:

And the reason that this is worth doing is because when we're, it's not telling the truth I'm going to say telling the truth, but it's like when we're being the truth maybe that's a better way to put it. When we're being the truth, when our heart and our words and our face and our body language is all in the same direction, it's like people can resonate with that. They're like, oh, my word, me too. Me too, you're going through this thing and you're super exuberant and wonderful. Me too, I know that feeling. Or you're in the depth of a heartbreak and feeling inadequate and whatever else. Yeah, me too. And we're just drawn to it. Humans just love it.

Speaker 1:

So that when we are very clear, like a very clear, energetic emotional signal out to the rest of the world, that people are paying attention, right, like it's juicy, and so if you're in business, if you're somebody who's in business, when we're authentic, people feel like they know you. People feel like you're friends with them, because generally we're going to be more authentic with our friends people. We don't feel like we need all these masks with right. We don't need to be perfect in front of our friend. So when you're out there and perfect, it shows people that like you're a real human. And then they're like I'm a real human and you're a real human Cool. You're not like this perfect person who I need to keep on a pedestal, who seems like so much better than me or more together than me, and create a new flavor of content, even if it's not like for your work, even if it's just sharing or making art or making music like for your own enjoyment, not necessarily like business related. The more authentic you are in that, the more people will pay attention, because authenticity like we just love it and when you it's just something that attracts people.

Speaker 1:

So some ways to increase your level of authenticity are to start with really becoming more aware of your emotions, and I'm going to come back to Brene Brown again. She wrote a book called the Atlas of the Heart that really worked the read because in that book it basically he gives really granular and depth explanations of each of the emotions and how these emotions play together, and to me that was really helpful in being able to identify what I was feeling, being able to be like, oh, I'm actually feeling really bitter and resentful, say, or wow, I'm really feeling exuberant and joyful. So getting to know your emotions is one of the ways to start to increase authenticity. And then the next thing that you can start to do is start to break down the social conditions that are set up inside your mind to keep you inauthentic, right To keep you perfect or to keep you always looking a certain kind of way or always showing up a certain kind of way. Some of those masks and that's deep work. We have to look at why I put this mask on, what I think it's keeping me safe from, and then evaluate is it really worth it to have this mask on?

Speaker 1:

And breaking down your social conditions is a long process. It's not something that you're just going to decide one day and then do it. It's like a little at a time, maybe breaking down the idea that you need to be on all the time and are accessible all the time. Right, setting some boundaries. That helps. As you become more and more authentic, you become more and more tender. So being able to set boundaries really helps with that. Being able to protect your own self and have the and also one of the things that you.

Speaker 1:

That's required for having a high level of authenticity is the ability to hold a lot of big feeling right, the ability to have a big emotional range, because if you take down this armor and stuff, you just expose yourself to more feeling Like life is serving them up. But sometimes, when we're masked up and armored up, we don't feel all of them, we don't notice them as sharply. So that's the thing that you can do too, but it's worth it. It's worth it to tell at least one person the truth of what's going on within you every single day. Not be tough or not be perfect or anything else, and just let start to let people see the truth of you and just practice being with that vulnerability, because it's so good like it's so tender and wonderful on the other side of that, to be able to really be seen right, and we can't really be seen if we're wearing it. And so when it comes to this doesn't seem probably like it's super financially related, but here's where the money comes in. Is that? Look, if you bought any of my courses or any of my mastermind or watch my content, if you love me, if you resonate with me because you can see yourself in me, you're going to be more likely to be my client, to be my customer, right?

Speaker 1:

If I'm singing on stage and everybody's singing along with their, let's just say I'm singing, oh. It's such a perfect example of this. There's a video of Lewis Capaldi floating around where he's singing that somebody that you used to love song I used to be feminized right, and so that's a heartbreaking song around where he's singing that somebody that you used to love song I used to be feminized right, and so that's a heartbreaking song. And he's got Tourette's and so he started to have I don't know what. He started to have an outbreak of his Tourette's syndrome while he was singing and he couldn't sing and, like, all his fans started to sing with him. So his fans carried the song and if you watch it it's emotional, like I'm like, oh, I'm tearing up, remembering I'm such a weirdo. But if it's such an authentic moment, like his inadequacies are just out there on stage and then everybody loves him more for it, it's wild so that those are the kinds of things and so there's just so much love that's like it, more freely exchanged.

Speaker 1:

When we're telling the truth of it's not telling when we're being the truth, it's's not telling when we're being the truth. It's not. If you're wearing a mask, you're lying. It's just like. The more closely your heart and your mind, face words are interacted, just the juicier life gets, the more love that's exchanged, the easier it is to circulate money. So this is a little ethereal today, but for real it's worth doing.

Speaker 1:

I'm not maybe doing the best job of explaining it, but maybe I am All right. I love you, I appreciate you and I will talk to you next week. It was my pleasure and joy to talk with you today. Thank you for listening.

Speaker 1:

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