Cash Confident with Brie Sodano

Navigating the Space of Uncertainty

August 01, 2024 Brie Episode 63

Feeling stuck in your business or personal growth? Join me to explore the crucial 'watering the dirt' phase - that uncertain time between taking action and seeing results. Learn how to navigate this challenging period with patience and self-compassion, avoiding common pitfalls like giving up too soon or constantly starting new projects. I'll share practical tips to stay the course and nurture your goals, even when immediate outcomes aren't visible!


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cash Confident Podcast. If you're a woman ready to take charge of your finances and create a life of abundance and exponential wealth, you've found the right place. I'm Brie Sedano, your host, known to my clients as the Queen Maker. Get ready to dive into a world of money management, mindset and manifestation. Oh, hello, hello, brice Adeno here for the Cash Confident Podcast, and I am feeling myself today. I woke up in the most delicious mood, all right. So, anyways, what I want to talk about today is the space between where you're taking the actions in your business, you're doing the things, you're taking the action and it could be in your business, it could be in your money life, it could be wherever and the space between where the thing happens. So there's this place of uncertainty, and I'm going to use a garden metaphor. So it's like I want this garden, I imagine this garden, I go and I do the work, I get the seeds, I put it all together, I get the seeds in the ground and there is a period of time where I am watering the dirt. Now, in a garden, this makes perfect sense because you're like you put the seeds in the ground and then you, and then the seeds grow roots, they sprout and then they come up and while they're growing, that's the place where you're watering the dirt and in our business, we it does. It's not quite as simple as watering the dirt. It's the place where there's so much uncertainty. I guess it is the same. So, listen, when you're watering the dirt, you're in this place and you're like did it work? Did the roots sprout? Did it like the thing that I could do? We are done. But now it's up to the seed right, like now it's not your turn, it's life's turn to play the game. So do the seeds sprout is like the question.

Speaker 1:

And in business, what I often see while people are in this place is sometimes people think that it's not working and don't water the dirt and then the seeds never grow. That's one way that people poorly handle the watering the dirt phase of whatever it is they're doing. Sometimes people dig up their seeds to see if they're sprouting right, and this might look like really analyzing and nitpicking their launch or their sales stuff before it's ready, before it's time they're like oh, it's not working, let me dig this up and see what needs to be done. So sometimes we stop watering the dirt and then our seeds don't have the water to grow and sometimes we dig them up and sometimes we get frustrated with the fact that our seeds haven't grown and then, instead of just being with our seeds and watering the dirt, we go and we start a whole new garden. We're like this garden's not going to work. Let me go start a new garden.

Speaker 1:

And then we do the same things, but then the first garden we left a little thirsty and a little malnourished, but then it starts to grow fruit and then we're a little back and forth with the shiny object syndrome and sometimes we get to the place where we're watering the dirt and that we really get into like our head, our I'm going to call it like our suffering mode, like our self-torturing mode, like wondering if I'm good enough, wondering what this means about me, all of these things.

Speaker 1:

So where I want to go with this today is so the work that I'm doing with my clients and them is one of the things that I teach on every single day is like part of it is to really learn how to manage your mind, how to work with your mind, but part of it is really that emotional intelligence piece, because when you're in that in between, your mind is in a place of uncertainty. Your mind is like I've done all this work, nothing has happened yet, and so your mind may go and look for a problem. Your mind may go and look back at the past and say, oh, the last time I grew these seeds, this happened, or that happened. Or your mind may want to attach to these thoughts whatever, and it because your mind hates the uncertainty. So your mind is going to go look for a place where it can be certain and that's, there's nothing wrong with you. That's the way that minds work. That's why being able to be like, to be able to be with yourself and be soft and compassionate and be like, oh, I'm in this place of uncertainty and my mind is agitated about this, because it is the nature of the mind to dislike uncertainty and so my mind is agitated today, like that level of self-awareness allows for such compassion for yourself and such just like the ability to be like oh self, all right, I see you're going through it and you're really doing the thing. That's courageous, and you're really showing up and you're really doing it. All right, let's maybe shift our focus. Let's maybe go for a walk today. Let's maybe take care of ourselves in some kind of way, and what I want to point out here, too, is the fact that your mind is, it's a place to really be kind to yourself. There's not a problem with your mind or with your mindset because your mind is agitated when you're in that uncertain phase. It's the nature. It's the nature of the beast, so just love it the way that it is, all right. The next thing is so look at that Also.

Speaker 1:

When your mind is agitated and your mind is in that uncertain place, it can really drum up feelings that come up like fear, and then maybe disappointment, even though there's nothing to be disappointed about just yet, because your seeds didn't have time to sprout. But this disappointment, discouragement, these things can really come up in this in-between place. And when our mind is craving certainty and looking to go do something, like looking to go take action, looking to go do something, plan something new, when your mind is get me out of here, in this place where I've done the work, and there's nothing to do but wait or keep watering the dirt, you know what I mean. Like I'm watering the dirt right, there's nothing to do, there's not a problem, there's nothing to solve, there's just action to take. And your body is like what? If it's your mind, your body may be feeling fear, or maybe even fear of disappointment, or fear of discouragement, or fear of these emotions that are coming up when you're in this place of uncertainty between when you're doing the work and between when the clients roll in, or the customers, or the cash, or whatever it is you're doing, whatever it is you're growing, you're manifesting right. So, again, this place of awareness gives you the ability to choose.

Speaker 1:

How do I handle myself? Who do I become when I'm the person whose season it is to be watering the dirt right? Am I the person who's going to stop watering the dirt because they cannot hold the faith that the plants are going to grow? Am I the person who goes and starts a new garden because I can't tolerate not having an immediate result? Am I the person who, in her impatience, digs up the roots of the plants to see if they're growing Right? Do I ruin it? Do I ruin it while I'm waiting? And if you've done it, it's okay. I've certainly done this. I've certainly done this. I will confess this to you right now. I have been a person who has done all of the things. I've stopped watering my plants when it's time to water. I've dug them up when it's time to water and I've also started new gardens, oh many new gardens, when it's just time to water the dirt. I would love to offer you just these tips so that way, the next time that you're like, oh, is something really wrong here, or am I just in the season where I'm watering the dirt? Am I just in the season where it's the planting season, the actions are being taken and I don't have my fruits yet? Right?

Speaker 1:

So that awareness to be gentle with your mind, to get your mind going on something else, to do something else, so that way your mind doesn't drag your emotions into the muck. Because when our mind is off the rails, seeking, seeking, seeking certainty, and our emotions are following that and fearful, and what if it doesn't work, you've got all. At that point, you've got all your chips on the table right. You've got your emotional investment, your time investment, your financial investment into this and your body's just. Is it going to work? Right, and this is the place where we're like, literally, this is the place where you hold it. This is the place where you have to learn to hold steady, and it takes emotional intelligence to learn, steady.

Speaker 1:

But so often when I'm working with my clients in Limitless Wealth, they're like I don't have leads yet. I've been posting for two weeks and I haven't gotten any leads yet. And I'm like hold steady, just hold steady, keep watering the dirt Like it's happening. Like it's happening. And what's so good for me is that, as a coach, I can see when people are in the season of watering the dirt, because I'm not in.

Speaker 1:

Their is a quick little podcast, but I'm hoping that it will save you some heartache. When you're in the position of waiting, when you've taken that action and there's not, there's, the only thing that you could do is destroy what you've done. So you just have to sit on your hands and keep. Sometimes it's just sitting on your hands and waiting for your fruit to bloom, and sometimes it's you're just watering the dirt Like. Sometimes you're taking the actions and it feels like nothing is happening, and that's okay and that's part of business, and the people who can tolerate that sense of uncertainty make lots of money.

Speaker 1:

So just bear with yourself and be kind and gentle to my friend. Okay, I love you so much. I'll talk to you next week. Bye everybody. Thank you for listening to the Cash Confident Podcast. Remember, knowledge alone isn't enough to build wealth. It's what you do with that knowledge that counts, and that's where the Cash Confident community comes in. Our community is where aspiring, wealthy women gather together to master money and mindset and build exponential wealth. I invite you to join our community where women are cultivating a healthy relationship with money and living the life of their dreams. Visit wwwcashconfidentcom to learn more.

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