Cash Confident with Brie Sodano

Law of Increase and Decrease

August 15, 2024 Brie Episode 65

Ever wonder how your everyday thoughts and words might be affecting your life? Join me in this episode to explore the Law of Increase and Decrease, and discover how our attitudes shape our experiences. We’ll delve into the benefits of gratitude, appreciation, and positive thinking, and discuss the drawbacks of complaining and criticism. I’ll share tips for shifting your mindset to attract more positivity in both your personal life and business, supported by personal stories that illustrate how a focus on positivity and thankfulness can lead to more fulfilling relationships and environments.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cash Confident Podcast. If you're a woman ready to take charge of your finances and create a life of abundance and exponential wealth, you've found the right place. I'm Brie Sedano, your host, known to my clients as the Queen Maker. Get ready to dive into a world of money management, mindset and manifestation. Oh, hello, hello everyone. I'm excited today to talk about the law of increase and decrease with you all. So go ahead, buckle in. We're going to do the things.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to prosperous thinking, the way that we interact with the world, we're either adding to our world or we're decreasing from. And what I find in the way that I'm going to talk about this, when we are in decrease, what doesn't actually happen is that we get less of what we don't want. Increase is like if you were to spray a plant with fertilizer Miracle-Gro you'll get a more luscious plant. And if you were to be like this plant has brown leaves and then you were to spray it with, like, I think, hot sauce and soapy water, whatever, like the I don't know if that works, I'm not a gardening expert that kind of idea what you'll do is you'll just spread the withering. So I just want to put that out there as we get into this. Using the law of increase or decrease is basically how we pull the levers with life, like how we interact with our lives really impacts what we get next. So let's talk about the law of increase first and some ways to add more increase to your life. So, gratitude, right. And if you've ever read any book on money manifestation or think and grow rich, or the science of getting rich, or any works by anybody who's writing about money manifestation, is going to tell you to practice gratitude. Why? Because gratitude is a powerful force of increase. So if you're in your life and you're energetically sprinkling everything with gratitude, if you're grateful for whatever, you're adding increase. And that's why, even if you have something like, let's just say, actually I really want a big kitchen renovation. So if I complain about my kitchen and I say, oh, this isn't right, my countertops are shit, brown and everything's terrible and it's a bad setup and that's not, I'm going to spray, I'm going to have my energy in my kitchen with decrease, right, that's going to be less awesome than if I could be grateful for the kitchen that I have. Now. What's going to happen is that gratitude is going to build up and then eventually I will have a new kitchen and that's just the way that goes. So gratitude or complaint, and complaint is the law of decrease.

Speaker 1:

I guess I'll just explain these things together. And gratitude is increase, and that could even really just be in your experience. So, for example, if you've ever been to like Disney World or some place where everything is there for you to have a good time but people are still really complaining about it, they're still really mad about it, you'll see and it's not that they're doing anything to the physical or whatever, it's just that they're not going to have a good time. So, instead of spending all this money and travel and adventures to have a really wonderful time, they're probably not going to have a great time. And what's funny is I'll just share this with you, to confess. I'll confess this to you. So one of the things that I do that I like I'm actively working on, is a lot of times I'll be like, oh, it's a really good time. But something about just having a good time to me I don't know, maybe it's a little subconscious programming or whatever. So sometimes I'll look for things that could be better, but really what I'm doing is I'll be like, oh, it was a great time, but the butter wasn't fresh enough. Or just add a little complaint in to temper to neutralize how good I'll let something be, and I think we all do that. I think we all do that a little bit. And so it's just something to be aware of, because life gets to be as good as we'll let it be All right. And so gratitude and complaint, those are like two sets of opposites on this law of increase and decrease. All right.

Speaker 1:

So the next thing is appreciation and criticism. Now, appreciation and criticism. So appreciation is the increase. So if you appreciate, if you appreciate the people in your lives, if you appreciate your clients, your customers, if you appreciate what you've got, you end up with more appreciation. Either word appreciate even means to like, basically to grow. And then the other side of that is critique or criticism. So if I'm criticizing my spouse for not doing enough, chances are he'll probably do less than if I was to give appreciation for the things that he does do, which is funny, because that's a thing where I get a lot of pushback with some clients.

Speaker 1:

I've worked with a lot of women and one. We work on prosperity. We talk about money a lot. I talk about money a lot, but really I'm helping my clients have a prosperous life right, and so a lot of times we're not spending a ton of time working on people's marriages and relationships. But it comes up and so somebody will be like, oh, my husband is this and this and this, and she'll really be criticizing him. And if you go down that road long enough, you can get to the place where you could get just probably focused on everything wrong in your mind. You can get to a place where you're thinking about throwing away a really good relationship, a really good man or woman, and so I think that's another thing where it's also just what you're dealing with.

Speaker 1:

People respond way better to being appreciated. Everybody loves to feel appreciated and really nobody really loves to feel criticism. We just don't. And now listen, sometimes a healthy, constructive criticism is a correction we all need. It's not like one is good and one is bad, but it's like Stuff like this really makes a difference. So if you have an attitude of appreciation, if you're appreciating people because appreciation is love so if you're out there loving on people, you're going to collect more good in your life because life gives you back what you're radiating essentially. So that's another thing.

Speaker 1:

The next thing that we'll talk about is around really care or disregard. So if I have things that I appreciate, right, and I care for them right like I care for my plants, I care for my pets, I care for my children those things are going to grow in beautiful, like beautiful ways, right, and if I treat those things with neglect or disregard, they're they're not going to do as well, which which is obvious, which is obvious. But we're just laying this out so that way you can see I'm teaching this to you, so that way we bring all of these things that you already know to your conscious mind in the way where you're like am I increasing this or am I decreasing this? Same thing for positive vision or worry. That's the thing where a lot of my clients will have a lot of fear of loss or a lot of fear of it won't work, or a lot of fear of am I doing it right?

Speaker 1:

What also plays into that is sometimes, when we have our conscious mind, our reasoning mind, doing too much of the work and we're not tapped into our intuition, we're not tabbed in to our little intuitive hits, we can really get to the place of overthinking. What adds a lot of simplicity. There is really leaning into your intuition and kind of taking those intuitive hits or those intuitive leads, or however you want to call it, and working from there. That's where ease comes into it. I don't know if I'm going to remember the phrase, but it's like everything is when you look at nature. Nothing is hurried, but everything is done. It's something like that. I'm sure I didn't get it right, but when we're worrying, it's like we're holding the negative vision, we're using the power of our mind to create what we don't want. So, learning to hold the positive vision and to just see what you want, it's really interesting.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times I'll ask people all right, well, if I had a magic wand and I could give you whatever you want, what do you want? And they'll be like I don't want to do this and I don't want to do that, and I don't want to feel this way and I'm like, okay, well, what do you want? And a lot of times they have a hard time answering. But the thing that I really want to point out here that's super important, is that our subconscious mind is impressed by these things. So the things that we vision, the things that we see they are what they are. And so if I don't want to move to a van down by the river, but I see myself in a van down by the river, that's the impression that I get, that's the impression that's there.

Speaker 1:

So if I say, don't think about a pink elephant, you're going to think about a pink elephant, and so we really want to fine tune that power of all. Right, where do you want to live? I want to live in a Tuscan villa. All right, that picture is really very different than I van down by the river. But when you're saying what you don't want, you get those pictures as they are. You know what I mean. Like, the picture of the thing you don't want is the same thing as if you were to say I do want it, I do want to live in a van down by the river, or I don't want to live in a van down by the river. The picture in your mind, the picture that your mind gets, is the van down by the river either way. So that's another way.

Speaker 1:

That's an internal way to use the power of increase or decrease, and it's the same thing for holding certainty that something is coming like. Trusting in yourself, trusting in the universe is different than worrying. They're really different. So I just want to really point this out to you because for me, once I realized the law of increase and decrease, how am I interacting with this? Am I adding increase or am I adding decrease? Am I growing something or am I diminishing something? It really, really helped me to watch my words, it helped me to watch my thoughts and it's a thing and so many of the business owners that I've worked with really will create revenue roller coasters with the law of increase and decrease, because they'll get to a place where they're really low and then they'll be taking a lot of action and they'll be really focusing on what they want and they'll be really moving forward. And then they'll start nitpicking what's not working. They'll start looking for ways that things could be better. They'll start wondering if the contractors they're paying or their staff they're paying is worth it. And listen, we all need to be aware of these things. I'm not at all suggesting that we're not vigilant about the services that we're using, but then they'll bring in so much decrease and then their business will go down and complaining Things that are like real bad juju for businesses, more or less complaining about your customers right.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I watch reels and there's this housekeeper who I'm sure is a lovely lady, but every single one of her reels is people like she pretends about people being mean to her or like being ridiculous or wanting stuff for free or not paying her and I'm just like girl, your business. And every single reel she's got more and more ideas like this and I'm like I would literally never hire this person. The idea of even hiring somebody who complains about their customers in such a way, I don't know. I don't know how her business is and hopefully I'm wrong. Hopefully she's thriving, but it's just she's always diminishing. She's always like diminishing the people that are paying her bills and I'm like I don't like that. I would never. If the opportunity to hire that woman came up, I'd probably be like no thanks. And she's not the only one. There's a hairdresser that does it, a beautiful hairdresser. Whatever People do what they want and that's fine. There's nothing necessarily wrong with it.

Speaker 1:

Are you adding, increase or decrease? Are you adding to your business by being in appreciation for your clients and your customers? Are you being in gratitude for the tools and the services that you have? Are you caring for the people and the business that you've built? Are you holding that business in positive vision? Are you complaining, are you in criticism, are you in disregard and are you worrying? And those two energies are so vastly different and the outcome on those things is so vastly different.

Speaker 1:

And what I also want to say here is I would imagine that anybody listening to this is going to be like oh yeah, definitely, I definitely do some of these decreased things. I certainly do, and so it's not about like right or wrong or good or bad, it's just about this is something that really impacts your point of attraction, your point of manifestation and the amount of power that you have. And so if you are grateful one point, complaining one point or there's not, probably like a point, there's not a point system, but you're with me. If you use your words for gratitude and then you use your words for complaint, you cancel them out. But if you want to be increasing, these are things where you can learn to really quickly reframe these thoughts and practice your gratitudes, practice your appreciations, practice these words, these thoughts, this energy of increase rather than the energy of decrease. And if you catch yourself in decrease, no big deal, just throw on two gratitudes. So if you find yourself complaining, go ahead and make two gratitude things and then you'll be positive. Or, if you catch yourself criticizing, add some appreciations.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, I hope this is helpful to just understand why, in all of the manifestation teachings, people talk about people who complain. They're like who is it? T Harv Eker, I think. Maybe it's Tony Robbins, one of those fellows? If you're complaining, you're like a crap magnet. You're like magnetizing crap to you because as you complain, you attract more things to complain about.

Speaker 1:

And so, anyways, it's just something to consider, it's just something to play with, and I think it will give you some power and awareness to take these concepts to the rest of your life and change your thoughts, your words, a little at a time and you get to do it a little at a time, there's no rush. But also, if you are going to consciously practice something, consciously practicing gratitudes or appreciations or holding whatever you're creating, whether it's your art, your business, I don't know your cheesecake, whatever you're making in a positive vision rather than worrying Right? So, anyways, I hope this is helpful, I hope you learned something and I love you so much and I will talk to you next week. Bye, everybody.

Speaker 1:

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